Thank you for visiting the Ridgeway Community Church’s home on the web! If you desire further information, feel free to contact us using the information on the bottom of the page. We hope you have a pleasant surfing experience and will consider joining us for worship!
Our Mission:
God calls Ridgeway to be a welcoming shelter – a safe place where people grow in faith and service to God. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation of the Church of the Brethren.
The Ridgeway Community Church of the Brethren, a congregation within the Church of the Brethren, strives to be a welcoming location for members of the community to grow in faith and service to God.
Whether during Sunday worship, Sunday School, a fellowship gathering, during a small group meeting, or at a youth or children’s event, there’s an activity for all to fellowship, learn and grow.
In addition to the church sponsored activities, the church is used by numerous community groups for meetings and gatherings. Visit the calendar page to see what’s happening at the church this week!